Garrett Marrero är grundare och ägare av Maui Brewing Company. I den här intervjun berättar han om den historiska händelsen att skicka så många olika ölfat från Hawaii till Sverige för första gången samt om utmaningarna kring det:
As one of the coordinators of this big special shipment to Sweden, how does it feel that everything finally fell in place?
GM: I´m stoked that this all worked out, as you know it was no small task considering we had to coordinate multiple brewers across 4 islands in Hawaii to gather these beers. Hats off to all the brewers and especially my team at Maui Brewing Co and Global Craft for all the coordination. Of course Daniel at Man in the Moon are to be celebrated for organizing such an amazing event.
How did you manage to make this happen?
GM: Like I said my team working along with our importer and Daniel really made this happen. I helped really by looping in the member brewers of the Hawaiian Craft Brewers Guild and getting everyone excited and involved. It was a logistical nightmare but a worthwhile endeavor for sure!
Have you made anything similar before?
GM: This is definitely a first for the amount of varied authentic local Hawaiian made craft beer. To have the number of kegs and the shear variety of styles from all these breweries go internationally is a first in the history of Hawaiian Craft Beer!
Largest difficulties?
GM: Most difficult was coordinating getting all the brewers empty kegs to use, then getting all their beer back to us to consolidate on a shipment to our importer. Tracking the more than 80 kegs from 4 different sources was a challenge. Hawaii is an island state and all the islands can only be reached by boat or plane. We couldn’t just send a truck around to everyone to collect beer.
Tell us about the Hawaiian Craft Brewers Guild.
GM: The Hawaiian Craft Brewers Guild is made of up real Hawaiian brewers and we aim to promote and protect the same. To be a brewery member you must brew 100% of your beer in Hawaii and be defined as a craft brewer per the Brewers Association guidelines. There are several beers that look like they’re from Hawaii but are actually made elsewhere in the country so it’s important to know which are authentic and which are not if you want to support a real Hawaiian beer!
Finally, thank you so much for everything!
GM: Mahalo to you and your team for thinking of Hawaii and including us! My only sadness comes from not being able to be there in person!